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5 September 2009

Guideline For Adding Credibility To Your Website

Matt McGee SEO Success Pyramid shows how to build an effective long term customers trust. Rankings without trust have little value and SEO is pointless if your website does not convert. By adding credibility to your website will help stabilize your ranking and increases your visitor value which is an important aspect of making money online. The whole issue is just to gain visitors trust. There's no how you can gain visitors trust by having a shady website. You should have a strong unique website design, a reliable host, and most of all helping visitors to build mental association between your products and the problems you solve(your brand). It's likely to become more successful if you consider these necessary points.

Stanford University has compiled 10 guidelines for website credibility based on three years research.

The Stanford Guidelines For Website Credibility:

  • Show that there's a real organization behind your site.
  • Highlight the expertise in your organization and in the content and services you provide.
  • Show that honest and trustworthy people stands behind your site.
  • Make it easy to contact you.
  • Design your site so it looks professional (or is appropriate for your purpose).
  • Make your site easy to use - and useful.
  • Update your site's content often (at least show it's been reviewed recently).
  • Use restraint with any promotional content (e.g ads, offers).
  • Avoid errors of all types, no matter how small they seem.


Brate said...

Hiring someone to optimize your website would be a really good idea if you have a new website and/or business venture. Using the services of an experienced Offshore SEO company will give you exactly the results you need. SEO companies are trained to generate a steady continuous flow of quality traffic in order to achieve more revenue for your business. This is one of those factors that many of the people are ignorant of. I am a physicist, and run my own clinic. Marketing was a part that generally doctors are unaware of. I made one website which I though would help me ameliorate my business, but it doesn’t make a great difference as it was far not found on search engines. Then, I came across a website designing and marketing company named as, with which I had a contract for advertising and optimizing my website to make it google-friendly. The main problem with my website was found to be improper website coding, which resisted my website to be listed in top most search. The company did well in reconstructing my website, making it popular using SEO techniques. The benefits are slowly coming into action. Website helped me getting a good sum of patients at my doorstep. Web marketing really helped my business work, making my investments in SEO worthy.

Blaise Dominguez said...

Good comment about optimizing your website with SEO companies. Also when you backup your business with a reconized organisation will help gain visitors trust and you'll start seeing a good result once you get every thing right.

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