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26 August 2009

SEO is Pointless If Your Website Does Not Convert

Getting listed on Google first page is what every internet marketer targets. Nevertheless it is not good when you get a lot of traffic with a handful of costumers. It indicates that your search engine optimisation is pointless and you will definitely lose a lot of money. There's no need to worry. I will guide you on how to improve your conversion rate.

When I initially began internet marketing I used Google AdWords to promote my site. Until I discovered conversion tracking I was not able to determine how my email marketing was performing and I did not know how important it was. Therefore it is essential for you to understand what conversation rate is all about and how to convert your visitors to potential customers.

What is Conversion Rate?

It is the ratio of visitors who take a desired action. This desired action could be subscribing to a newsletter, buying a product, membership registration or perhaps downloading a software.

Why is your conversion rate very important?

The main reason to improve your conversion rate is to achieve more customers without spending more money on advertisement.

Let's assume you sell your product for £30 and your website conversion rate is 1% (1 person actually places an order out of 100 visitor). It means that you will sell 2 units if 200 people visit your website. If you want to double your sales, you have to double the number of visitors that come to your website which is quite difficult.

Here is what you can do to increase your conversion rate:

Find web pages on your web site that have a high bounce rate. If you use Google analytics, look at pages that have a higher bounce rate. Identify why people leave that particular page without fulfilling their desired task and improve on it. Also check if there is 404 (not found) pages. You can delete it or create a redirect link. It will prevent customers from leaving.

Adding a "call to action" is an important aspect in marketing and promotion. After you've established something valuable to offer, you should direct your visitor to take the next step by adding a call to action. Chances are that a visitor may only view a single page of your website. As a result, all pages should contain a call to action so that your website visitors know what to do. Keep it simple and do not use multiple options.

Drive traffic to the most relevant pages on your website. For instance if you advertise on Google AdWords for the search term "buy inexpensive computer software" then your landing page should be a page about features of your computer software and make it possible to buy this computer software right on that page. It also applies to visitors that you get through your search engine rankings.

Include a free gift on your thank you page. Maybe a free ebook or post a video that contains a special offer but remember not to make it too long, just about anything special to offer. It will help retain potential customers.

Conclusion: It is likely that customers will revisit your site to learn more about your product. Some may revisit to “learn” more about you, the company, possibly looking for affiliate programs or maybe looking for press releases. Whatever the reason maybe you should optimize your conversion rate because there are so... many ways you can benefit from it.


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Anonymous said...

Excellent blog and great points that I will use your advise.
Thank you!

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