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17 October 2009

Three Critical Success Traits Shared By "Mom & Pop"

Recently, I became a member of this new private web site,, throught Internet Marketing Center that shares the Internet marketing secrets of real people, just like you and me, who are earning $100,000+ per year with their own Internet businesses.

Just to give you some background, I'll tell you that every month, this site shares two new real-life stories of successful "Mom & Pop" type sites, providing in-depth interviews with the site owners and asking really tough questions about the exact steps, strategies, tools, and software that these people have used to build and grow their sites to their current success.

For example, two success stories that I just finished checking out are:

Real-Life Case Study #1
— Robert Clar

See exactly how Robert Clark turned his $275 a week paycheck into a highly profitable online business that takes him only 2 hours each day to run... while earning him over $250,000 a year in profits!

Real-Life Case Study #2
— Ken Calhoun

Ken grossed over $98,000 in sales with his Internet business in 2000 (his first full year online) and then tripled his sales to earn over $300,000 last year almost all of it profit, all from his beachfront condo in Hawaii.

... as well as many other "real people" just like you and me who are creating a fortune on the Internet.

If you'd like to check out these success stories for yourself right now, and personally discover these "No BS" examples of real people making real money on the Internet, then click here now to get the exact step-by-step details of how they're doing it!

Obviously, reading these interviews is a really powerful way to guarantee the success of your own web site, because you're getting a personal insider's tour of real sites, run by real people, that are making real money!

Anyway, as I was reading through the latest success stories, I couldn't help but notice that, despite dramatic differences in the business models they use and the products and services they sell, these successful web site owners all share three common success traits" that played a major role in growing their online sales to $100,000 to $600,000 a year...

Success Trait #1:

First of all, one of the reason's why they're sooooo successful NOW is because they didn't let their lack of knowledge stop them. Despite the fact that many of them had no computer experience, never mind experience using the Internet -- and despite the fact that many had never owned a business before -- they just plain got started and didn't worry about making everything "perfect" the first time.

Remember, I'm not talking about rocket-scientists here. These are regular people, like you and me, who started running their web sites out of their own homes and are now making $100,000 to $600,000 a year with their sites.

And believe it or not, almost all of them were making a profit from day-one! Sure, they weren't all making buckets of cash right away; but their profits increased quickly as they continued to improve on what they started with.

Success Trait #2:

I've already mentioned that these successful web site owners didn't worry about making everything "perfect" right away. And this is important, because rather than overload themselves by trying to become Internet marketing gurus BEFORE they got started, they just dove in and focused on one marketing strategy at a time, working extremely hard to maximize their profits with one strategy before moving onto the next.

This is a trait that really amazed me because even though these successful web site owners are earning substantial incomes from their web sites, they ALL talk about how they plan to snowball their profits and sales even more by strategically adding another strategy... and another strategy... and another strategy... to their web sites, one at a time.

Success Trait #3:

Interestingly, the one point that kept coming up again and again, sometimes two or three times in a single interview, was that all of these successful site owners confess they could have been earning a MUCH bigger income MUCH faster had they only avoided the costly mistakes started educating themselves sooner.

And that's probably the most critical trait these success stories share -- they've all committed to educating themselves about the most profitable marketing strategies and techniques.

In fact, I could literally go on for pages and pages reeling off the hundreds of invaluable marketing strategies, techniques, tools, and software recommendations that these people share in their interviews, based on their own real-life experiences and commitment to educating themselves.

However, I know it will mean much more when you hear, straight from the horse's mouth, these...

"No BS" Examples Of Real People Making Real Money on the Internet...

If you want to automatically skip the failing promotions, and start learning the tested, proven strategies that real businesses have already proven to be enormously successful, then I'd highly recommend that you visit Secrets To Their Success to take a private tour of "Mom & Pop" web sites that earn $100,000 to $600,000 a year and discover the exact step-by-step strategies they have personally used to generate these massive profits!

You will instantly be exposed to extremely successful netrepreneurs like...

Real-Life Case Study #3

Andy's site is generating an impressive $50,000 in sales per month... and even Andy's a bit surprised to discover that his $600,000 a year online income is the result of his own self-proclaimed vain quest to reverse his own hairloss!

Real-Life Case Study #4

— Ellen Cagnassola

Ellen is a work-at-home mom who produces homemade, personalized glycerin soaps. Discover the strategies she used to expand her offline business onto the Web, and how she gets big companies (like Johnson and Johnson) to distribute and sell her soaps for her... earning a hefty online income at the same time

Real-Life Case Study #5
— Kelly Monaghan

Kelly Monaghan has quite literally built a $200,000+ Web business around his lifestyle. While he's bumping across Tibet in a jeep or white water rafting in Nepal, his four successful sites continue to bank his sales and profits....

When I first came across Secrets To Their Success I was shocked to find REAL successful people just like you and me who were willing to give away their most coveted Internet marketing secrets.

So if you want to skip the failing promotions, I highly recommend that you claim your position now! and learn the "No BS Strategies" these real people are using to make real money on the Internet!

13 October 2009

Effective Squeeze Page Strategy

When it comes to marketing, squeeze page is normally use by direct marketers. Iternet marketers borrow copywriting techniques from offline direct response marketing to promote their product.

By the end of this article, you will learn an advanced method of using squeeze page to increase your sales.

What is Squeeze Page?

Squeeze page is a single web page (landing page) with the purpose of creating an opt-in email list for suspects (people in your target marketplace), prospects (people who have responded to your marketing but have not purchased, and customers (people who have purchased something from you.); that means NO exit hyperlinks should be placed on this page. The goal of the landing page is to obtain the visitor's email address. Any additional information could distract the user to navigate to a different website.

Any internet user that subscribes to a mailing list is highly targeted because they have agreed to get information from product and service you provide. Internet marketing requires building an opt-in list for subscribers. Even if you don't have your own product yet, it very important to have a squeeze page. Yes! It is very important.

You might ask yourself, "how can I build a mailing list if I dont a have a product to sell or promote? It doesn't make any sense". I'll tell you, it does make sense because the concept is to build trust, relationship, social influence and share your experience with your subscibers.

Consistent follow-up creates a predictable and profitable stream of prospects and customers that buy. Your "follow-up" is building sequence of communication on the previous messages you've sent to your subscribers. For instance, you might start your second letter by saying, "10 days ago I sent you a letter..." Small businesses that capture leads and follow-up with them enjoy higher conversion rates and a higher percentage of referrals than those that don’t.

I will give you more tips on follow-up's but let's leave that part for now and focus more on how to build your money making list. This is where you need to invest time and money to achieve a better sales result. It is part of your online business assets. Any little mistake could cost you a lot. So, you need to be careful. Below are some good tips that will help you.

Your Template should look Professional

The worst mistake to make is to put up a shady template and expect people to subcribe to your mailing. Impress your visitors with a good looking template including your layout. Every point in your webpage should uplift the brand value of your product.

Use Coloured Text

If want to draw visitors attension to a particular sentence, use red. It is often where the eye looks first. But avoid using it repeatedly

Videos, Images and Audios

There are different ways an internet user could be influenced. Most of them happen to be influenced by visuals. So make it a point to include at least one video and few images concerned with your product or offer. A demo display of your product could dramatically increase your chances to capture his lead. If you can’t make a video, insert an audio about your product.

Assure Personal Privacy

Internet users are very cautious about giving out personal information and email addresses, some don’t want to share. Gain their trust by reassuring them that their email address and any personal information will be secured by you. Let them know that they will only receive a certain number of emails per month.

Offer Choices

Democracy is a beautiful thing. Giving your subscribers choices of what they wish to receive from you gives you the control to provide to your customers. This also gives them satisfaction of not having to sift through irrelevant material.

Deliver on Your Content Promises

Make promises on what they should expect to receive in their emails from you and deliver (literally and figuratively). By letting the recipients know what they will be getting in their emails from you for signing up they will want to open the emails—to see what you have to offer.

Keep it Simple

The easier it is to do something, the more likely it is someone will do it. If signing up for your email list is as easy as typing or writing their address - you will see many more addresses signing up.

Note: If you don't have a niche or an affiliate program, I will advise you to do so because it will be a lot easier for you.

11 October 2009

How To Cover Your Assets

There is this paraphrase from the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" published in 2002 by Robert T. Kiyosaki. This paraphrase differentiates the rich folks and poor folks. He says,

The difference between rich folks and poor folks is that rich folks acquire assets, while poor folks acquire liabilities.

What he said is very obvious but it is a line you should think about. A lot. To make sure you do, you're going to take record of your online assets as you read this blog.

The reason is a surprise. It is not mine, but yours. The surprise you'll get when you see just how many resources, skills and assets you have at your disposal. Most of which you haven't thought about before. Before you can list them, you need to know what they are. Consider: There is a difference between assets, resources and skills.

For instance: An affiliate program is a resource. Recruiting affiliates is a skill. Your affiliate force is an asset. An asset is anything that has real commercial value or that generates cash directly. Keep that in mind as you make your lists. What are the main assets you might want to develop for an online business? The most obvious are:

  • Completed Products
  • Domains
  • Sales letters that convert
  • Effective landing pages
  • In-demand content
  • Your opt-in list

Let's start with the obvious.

Get a notebook or open a document in your text editor or word processor. Create headings for each of those categories, and get typing. List each asset you already control, in each area. "Control" means that you can use it for your own benefit. You don't need to "own" it. If you're a member of a group and can advertise to that group legitimately, that's an asset. (Access is considered an asset, rather than a resource.)

Create a separate document for assets you need to get or build. Create another for resources that are necessary to getting or building those assets. And another for skills you need to have access to in order to make it all happen. You don't need to master the skill yourself in order to have access to it. If you have a staff member who can do web design, you have access to that skill.

Access without ownership can often save you a lot of time and money that you can use for other things. Learn to think like this. You'll find that both your business and your sanity benefit greatly. You'll also find that you have a lot more opportunities than you thought. Start your listings now!

Okay. If you're that eager to read more of my deathless prose, it can wait. But at least start them now. List the main ones for each group from memory. That should only take a few minutes. If you don't start now, you might as well close this page. There's almost zero chance that you'll finish them later if you don't do the basics while you're reading this.

Now for the not-so-basics.

Keep in mind, this is far from a comprehensive list of possible assets. Literally anything that makes you money or increases your available resources qualifies. List them all. List everything that occurs to you. If you think of it, it has value, real or potential. Any idea you have thought of put it down. Don't throw away assets because you don't understand how to use them yet.

Inbound Links: This is an area that creates a lot of dispute with more advanced individual. Some think that any link is good, while others think you need to be selective, to guard your reputation with the search engines. To make it more confusing, the impact varies with the search engine you're talking about.

My advice is simple. Don't go out looking for links from places that seem to exist only for that purpose. If the link makes sense relative to the content of your site, and it's not just a publicity stunt to get more links, it's probably a good thing.

How do you find out who's linking to you?

Try IBP's inbound link optimizer. IBP have proven their software receives a top ranking from nearly every company they have worked with. It is very easy to enter your detail to begin immediately. Just type in your domain name or relevant keywords at the link manager and watch the magic happen.

You don't need to list every site that links to you, but you might want to list the top 10 or 20. The big thing is to know how many links point to your site, and to have an idea of where they're coming from.

I won't go into strategies for getting links here, but I'll give you one suggestion. Look for places that link to sites like yours. Axandra's demo version software to search for sites similar to your's. I'm sure you can find plenty of sites that cover the same topic, or related topics, that you do.

List the domains and go back and do the same search outlined above. Think about ways you can get your site listed on those same pages. This is also a very effective way to find people who are promoting affiliate programs with products similar to yours or in related fields. Try this. It's an eye-opener. And quite the little goldmine.

Effective Text And Graphic Ads: This one is simple. What's working for you right now? If it works to sell your product directly, you can use it in more places, or give it to your affiliates to use to sell more of your products. More importantly, you can use it to find out what your prospects really respond to. That's the best way to build even better ads in the future.

Search Engine Listings: To find these, use google webmaster tool, yahoo site explorer or SEO Chat indexed page tool. That will show every page that is listed which includes the domain name you specified. This doesn't show you where you rank for people searching on your keywords. It just lets you know which pages have been indexed.

Finding where you rank for your targeted keywords is easy enough. Type them into a search engine and see where you show up. Be aware that you'll rank differently in each search engine. That is getting into search engine optimization, so it's probably best to stop there.

Your Network: This is the big daddy.

It is possible to run a business with nothing but a good address book. Yes it is possible but I don't recommend it. And it is a lot easier to run a more "regular" business profitably if you have access to people who will help. Your network consists of anyone that can help that would tend to respond positively to communication from you.

Some examples:

  • Your subscribers
  • Your affiliates
  • Your professional associates
  • Your contractors
  • Your clients/customers
  • Your advisors and mentors
  • Your mastermind group

List everyone by name who fits any of those categories, except your subscribers and your customers. You'll notice that "personal friends" wasn't one of the categories. There is very likely to be some overlap between your network and your friends. Maybe even a lot of overlap. That's good and normal. Just keep in mind that being friends with someone does not mean you want to do business with them. Or that they want to do business with you. If they do, great. Just make sure that the business doesn't interfere with the friendship. This is an area that is tricky to give advice on, because every relationship is different. You don't have to mix the two, but being friendly never hurts.

Build your network. There is nothing more important to your long term success or enjoyment of the business.

You have learnt something new today. Go. Practice! I'm working on mine.

7 October 2009 Review

"The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet" By The Internet Marketing Center...

This is by Far the Most Comprehensive Easy-To-Follow Online Business System Available!

This Internet Business Course is fully Updated For 2009, in an Electronic, Web Accessible Format That Guarantees It Will Never Be Outdated!

The Internet Marketing Center's Latest Edition of "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet," is everything you'd Expect From A Beginner's Guide To Starting An Online Business with over 1,250 pages of detailed, moneymaking strategies and techniques have been carefully laid out in bite-sized, easy to grab-and-apply sections, making it dead-easy to determine what you need, apply it to your business, and move onto the NEXT step.

The "Insider Secrets" system carefully guides you through all the critical steps:

  1. Helping you decide what you should sell...

  2. Easily get a sales website live...

  3. Attract your first visitor...

  4. And take your first credit card payment!

  5. Ramp up sales & traffic quickly!

  6. Automate your business to be "hands free"

  7. Here is a small sample of what you will find within this amazing Course...

    • How to use powerful automated research tools to quickly multiply your hobbies and interests into HUNDREDS of potential business ideas!

    • The SEVEN best ways to make money from a website -- add each one to your website like building blocks and watch your income explode!

    • How to get paid BIG commissions by recommending other people's products on your website!

    • How you can quickly become a "Super Affiliate" and earn a full-time, six-figure income -- without EVER selling a product of your own!

    • Plugging NEW Revenue Streams into Your Website to Incrementally Build Your Online Income by $1,500 to $8,000+ Per Month!

    • Secrets for Squeezing WAY MORE Sales and Profits Out Of Your Existing Traffic, Subscribers, Products, and Website!

    • And a ton more...

Some Additional Benefits of the Course...

  1. Because it is now online you'll receive real time updates with the latest and greatest online marketing strategies

  2. Streaming videos for ease of learning

  3. Downloadable content for your iPod, iPhone or other mobile device

  4. The Master Blueprint for Launching and Expanding Your Internet Business! Is shipped to you free of charge!

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Within minutes of receiving an order, they'll send out a secret username and password for immediate access to all of their proven strategies through the private website.

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I give Insider Secrets VERSION 2009 a perfect 10 out of 10 without hesitation. The Internet Marketing Center continues to be the leader in helping people go from nothing to big money online.

If you want to make money online I highly recommend you get access to this tremendous online business building product now.

To find out how, click here now...

Recommended Internet & Web Marketing Books

How effective is Internet Marketing?

I believe the jury is still out on this issue. Entire fortunes have been bet upon the Internet and lost because the business community is still trying to figure out what it takes to succeed online. Some people have, in fact, made their fortunes on the Internet. There is always someone who gets rich in every field. But if history is any indication of which the most likely online winners will be, keep in mind that most of the gold rush fortunes were made by the people selling shovels and pans. The miners usually ended up broke.

The publishing world is in a mad rush to get onto the Internet for many reasons, but the potential for getting rich is not one of them. Protecting intellectual property rights and developing effective marketing tools are the two chief reasons large publishers and authors are now involved with the Internet. The Internet is fast becoming the most popular entertainment medium of all time.

When it comes to eBook, it is very easy to distribute on the Internet. In fact, if you want downloads in the tens of thousands, just offer your eBook for free. Free eBooks are downloaded approximately 20 times more often than those offered for sale. But eBooks brings some inconveniences. Many people don't want to read books on a computer screen (although most people who spend 20 hours a week online read the equivalent of several books every week). But just because people download free eBook doesn't mean it is not that important. There are success stories on best selling eBooks. Internet Marketing Center is one of them and there Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet, version 2009 is what any internet marketer needs to succeed online. I strongly recommend their service.

It is high time you started taking advantage of internet marketing and learn important techniques that will help you succeed online. I have carefully chosen some internet marketing books that will extend your knowledge in internet marketing.

Here is what you get from these books I recommend:

  • Web marketing ideas

  • How to determine your online audience

  • Internet marketing strategy

  • Market research resources

  • Promoting your site online, without being tacky Analyzing results, and drawing the right conclusions

  • Hiring a web company without getting burned

  • How to create a good call to action

  • Understanding search engines (spiders and directories)

  • Using HTML codes, CSS and Script

  • Building a profitable website

  • Improving conversion rate and so on
Claim Your Position in Inernet Marketing Now!

2 October 2009

The Ira Glass Guide to Link Baiting

Link bait is described as a natural way to build links on a particular content or feature. It will often attract a large number of readers or viewers. Wikipedia defines link bait as “any content or feature within a website that somehow baits viewers to place links to it from other websites.” Google engineer, Matt Cutts defines link bait as something “interesting enough to catch people’s attention.”

And really, they’re all right. In its most basic form, link bait is content that is designed to inspire readers to link to it and/or share it with others. But no matter how you define it, the most critical component of any link bait campaign is to generate the desired response: linking.

There are subdivision on link baiting. These are Informational hooks, News hooks, Humor hooks, Evil hooks, Tool hooks and Widgets hooks. But I won't go into a detailed explanation for each of them. Believe me, it may put you off.

The video below is based on Ira Glass storytelling. He is the host of NPR’s This American Life, and in this video he lays out how to produce compelling video, audio, and text content. Notice his use of the word “bait” for those who think link bait is only about controversy.

Here is a list of ideas from Jim Westergren:

  • Make a valuable resource (lists, special reports, history of, how to, etc.)
  • Interview (e-mail/phone) prominent people and publish it.
  • Build a useful tool
  • Write an interesting article
  • Run a newsworthy ‘event’ such as a contest
  • Test something new that has not been done before
  • Be the first in doing something on the internet
  • Write something controversial
  • Be the first to write the latest news in your niche
  • Be the first to expose a scammer
  • Disagree with an authority
  • Write some funny humor
  • Make an interesting picture
  • Be the first to research and document something
  • Make a theme, plugin or piece of software
  • Make a tool that others can put on their sites but that links to you
  • Make a joke about a known person
  • Make a resource that is just in time for a major event
  • Write an outrageous theory and back it up with logics
  • Write useful comments on something that is happening
  • Give something valuable for free
  • Coin a new acronym in your niche and get people to talk about it
  • Become an expert in your niche and write valuable information
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